Starting media relations in Italy from scratch. A case study

Only few years ago, Swiss financial brand Lemanik was completely unknown in Italy. Today it’s well credited in the media and the market.

Only few years ago, Swiss financial brand Lemanik was completely unknown in Italy. Today it’s well credited in the media and the market.


No mentions in the papers. No local branches. A brand unknown to investors. A very small number of products. When Lemanik Group, a privately owned Swiss financial firm, decided to shyly invest in its brand awareness in Italy, we were actually starting from scratch, with no clear ideas about whether the company would have continued to invest in media relations the following year or not. What we decided to propose, was a two steps plan: first of all, introducing the company representatives to the key financial journalists in Italy, in order to create a first level of recognition, without overexposing the brand. Secondly, we started scouting stories within the company, in order to feed each media we met with a new story or story angle. We obtained 25 articles in the first year: nothing phenomenal, but a first signal that the company was saleable and trustworthy. And, most of all, it gave the company itself the confidence in its own ability to deal with the Italian market and media. The following years were then devoted to truly building brand awareness among the financial media and the company’s commercial targets. In terms of visibility, our media relations’ activity doubled the number of press clippings year by year, stabilising it at around 200 clippings per year. Should you be interested in better understanding how our customized PR plans for financial companies and asset managers work, just give us a call: we will be glad to help.

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