public affairs in Rome public affairs in Rome

Lobbying, advocacy and public affairs in Italy

“A 20m Euros market, where specialised firms compete with PR agencies and law firms…”

A 20m Euros market, where specialised firms compete with PR agencies and law firms.

Lobbying, advocacy and public affairs in Rome

How does the Public affairs’ market perform in Italy? The answer comes from the website, which published the 2015 ranking of the industry. The overall turnover of the specialised consultancies was 20 million Euros, but the market participants also include PR agencies, law firms and consultants.
“The companies included in our survey specialise in lobbying, advocacy and public affairs services”, the website reports, “and most of them also provide other services, from legal advice to integrated communication plans, media relations, public relations and events organisation. Others cover social media and crisis communications. While on the other side, many international and Italian PR agencies also provide public affairs assistance to their clients”.
Moreover, many lawyers and law firms have a strong role in lobbying in Rome but a strict regulation is needed to ensure the required transparency.
For details on the public affairs services provided by StampaFinanziaria, please contact Marco De Amicis in Rome (